To sign up for EventPay contact your event organizer. They'll be able to invite you to complete registration for your account.
Login using your email and password, the same used when you signed up. If you have any trouble logging in, try and reset your password.
If you forget your password and are unable to sign in to your account, you can reset your password through the Eventpay POS app. You will receive an email code used to update your password.
Once you have selected the items for the order in the POS app, you can select “Continue”. Then you will be able to confirm the order and make any necessary adjustments. Then you can select “Checkout”. The camera will open and you can scan the user's QR code to complete the order.
You can issue a refund from the POS app, navigate to “Orders”, here you can click into any order and initiate a refund.
Some events do not allow product updates.If your event supports Menu updates, you can update products from the POS app or the Dashboard.On the POS app navigate to “Menu Settings” where you can click into any item and make adjustments.Alternatively on the Dashboard you can navigate to “Menu” to make updates.
You can add users to your team through the Dashboard. Navigate to “Locations”, here you can add users and assign them a role.
You can view sales from the POS app or the Dashboard.On the POS app navigate to “Analytics” where you can view your Sales, Orders and Revenue.Alternatively on the Dashboard you can select “Sales” to view.